Mother's Collection


Club Brief

"LikeRong® Club" is a jewelry collection club specially created for mothers, dedicated to providing personalized jewelry consultation, management, and maintenance services, ensuring that your precious pieces continue to shine brilliantly as time passes.

We understand that jewelry holds not only value but also precious memories and emotional connections. As a mother, you are not only the guardian of your family but also the heirloom keeper of your valuable jewelry. By joining LikeRong® Club , your jewelry becomes more than just an object; it becomes an eternal story that conveys love and care throughout your life, passing down generational brilliance.

LikeRong Image

Club Service

Services Offered by LikeRong® Club

Membership Gift

Upon joining, you will receive an official custom-designed high-end jewelry storage box, valued at 1200 RMB.

Jewelry Cleaning Service

Receive a 1500 RMB voucher for jewelry cleaning services, provided by SkyGold

Exclusive Jewelry Consultant

Our professional team will provide personalized jewelry consultation, answering your questions regarding selection, wearing, and maintenance.

Custom Jewelry Design

Based on your personal story and needs, we create one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces tailored specifically for you.

Exclusive Member Benefits

Priority access to new collections, regular jewelry maintenance, and invitation-only salon events.

Membership Recruitment Rules

In order to ensure that each member receives exclusive, high-quality jewelry services, LikeRong® Club limits the recruitment of new members to just 5 per quarter. We are committed to providing each member with personalized jewelry consultation and design services tailored to your unique needs and preferences. With meticulous service and professional jewelry consultants, we guarantee you a customized experience and thoughtful care.

Seats are limited, and availability is tight. If you wish to become a member of LikeRong® Club, please click the link below to contact our exclusive sales consultant and learn more about the application process.

Contact Our Exclusive Consultant